Sunday, March 30, 2008

We are home from a great week at Hilton Head Island. We were with friends from Orrville, and Tara! She had off this week and needed some relaxation, too. Her life has been pretty hectic with school, clinicals and a job. We had fun relaxing and not having a schedule to follow!

It was nice that Carli and Jeremy were here when we got home this morning. We drove all night, so we weren't exactly chipper, but we went to the Dari-Ette for lunch and had fun listening to Carli tell about her week in Belize and then watched her photos. What a wonderful experience for her. And to think that almost one year ago we were not sure that we would be rejoicing with her now...God is good...thanks for all of your prayers for safety for her...

Please pray for her on Tuesday...I am going out and picking her up, then we are going to Clarion and Craig is going to remove her port and revise her scar. Please pray for steady hands for Craig and a quick, painless recovery for Carli. We are so blessed to have Jane and Craig in our lives. God knew about this when I decided to transfer to Ohio Wesleyan University over 30 years ago!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

So far, so good! Sounds like the group is working hard and having a good time. Continue to pray that God will be glorified and that the group will return safely.

Again we are reminded of the fragility of life. We went to the funeral of a dear friend from our church today. He spoke volumes through his quiet smile. Caleb would check up on my dad and make sure that he was doing OK. We are so blessed to have garden houses that Caleb made from wood and slate from the barn on our family farm. He also made picture frames and other things that he donated to our Thanksgiving Sale at Salem. This winter, when his health did not permit him to be out and about much, he shelled many bags of walnuts that our trees produced. His wife, Joyce, said that last week he wanted her to be sure to get the rest of our walnuts to us! Many hours spent on a tedious task, but Caleb worked steadily until they were done. He will be greatly missed. Keep Joyce and their family in your prayers.

But, even in the midst of sadness, tomorrow is Easter Sunday and knowing that by the Grace of God we have eternal life is reason for rejoicing! Have a blessed Easter!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

4 weeks and counting

A note from TARA:

Exactly 4 weeks from today I will be running the Capital City Half-Marathon. Even though I've had almost 5 months of training it's hard to believe that the time is almost here. I wanted to take the time to let all of you know how much your support has meant to me. I truly couldn't have done it without you. I pledged to the Leukemia and Lymphoma society that I would raise $1200 of which over 75% would go directly to the LLS. I was able to raise more than that $1200, which means that each additional dollar over that amount goes 100% to the society- and a large majority of which goes to the families of those diagnosed with Leukemia or Lymphoma.

Training is at it's most intense with a run of 10 miles tomorrow and 12 miles next week...and combined with school and work it's kept me busy. But I'm training with a great group of coaches and teammates so I've been enjoying it! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers as the next month goes by. I'll have 13.1 miles to reflect on this time and the reason I'm running during the race on April 12th. Thanks again to everyone!


p.s. If anyone would still like to make a donation you can learn more at my fundraising webpage

Blog postings from Belize

Carli's group is going to be posting a blog while in Belize. If interested in following their adventures, log on to :

They are on their way...left Pittsburgh this morning at 7:30 for Houston, leave Houston for Belize and arrive around 2:40 in Belize. Then they have an hour and a half ride to their village. Pray for safe travels and safe eating!

Kelsie is coming home for her spring break today, will be nice to have her around!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Carli just sent this site that explains where her group from school is going. Please log on to

Belize is such a beautiful country, but has so many needs. Thank you everyone for your prayers on Carli's behalf! She'll have to post some photos upon her return...stay posted!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Carli was home for a bit yesterday...mainly to get things for her trip to Belize. She is very excited and can't wait to go. She is the co-leader of the group so has added responsibilities. These mission trips are planned entirely by the students which gives them lots of great experiences and it is really "their" trip.
She looks really good and is feeling better. Last week she wasn't feeling well and that made me pretty nervous. What used to be simple symptoms of college life now are enough to send up warning signals. I will never think of fever and fatigue the same again. I am just thankful that she is feeling better and that it probably was just a virus or lack of sleep. She had a sorority party Friday night, and said that it is hard for her to focus on the fun things as before because she has such different priorities now. I really hadn't thought of some of the things that she is struggling with.
Pray for her this week as she has a couple of very important exams. I know that she will drive herself crazy as one of them is chemistry and she is trying to hard to do well because her grade will be averaged with the F that she had to take last spring when she had to drop out.
Also pray that the final plans for her mission trip to Belize go well...and that she will stay healthy...and that this trip will be life-changing and a time for spiritual growth...and for travel mercies. They leave from Pittsburgh on Saturday. Thanks!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I just read a great book that should be required reading for all people in the medical profession. The title is Strong at the Broken Places-voices of illness, a chorus of hope. It is written by Richard M. Cohen (Meredith Viara's husband who has MS and has had colon cancer twice). It offers insight by 5 people who are living with fatal, chronic and mental illnesses. Richard learned to know these folks and interviewed them over a period of time and really delved deep into what makes them tick. The overall theme was that they are not their disease and struggle to make it in a world that really doesn't understand and treat them like normal people. Lots to think about...they all said that they can always think of people that are worse off than they are (even though 3 of them are terminal). Sure gives you lots to ponder...and made me realize how blessed we really are...