Monday, July 30, 2007

OOPS...lost my touch!!

I hit enter instead of tab....I've lost my touch with technology!!

Another chemo week. Funny how our lives are defined by that now. Carli and Kelsie returned home at midnight and were bubbly and had a great week at family camp. Family camp is not as demanding as kids camps, so they both actually had some down time. Kelsie read the entire new Harry Potter book! Carli has one more week that she will go back to camp, and it is a camp for inner city kids. That one will be challenging!

Chemo is late morning tomorrow, so we will not get home until late afternoon. At least I hope that we are home before evening! Sometime the end of August they will do a CT and see what progress she has made with the chemo. She is really dreading this as you have to drink some really terrible stuff that she could hardly choke down in April when she was being diagnosed. I am praying that maybe I can talk them into maybe sedating her and using a nasogastric tube to give her the contrast. She says that just the thought of tasting that stuff makes her so nauseated and she doesn't think that she can drink it without throwing up.

Tara is not feeling very good, but I think that most of it is a result of anesthesia. They gave her IV Zofran (which is what they give Carli for nausea) and she felt fairly good after that. But, she doesn't have that at home!! She is very achey and tired. Her head isn't feeling too bad...considering that is where the surgery was!!! She isn't going to class today, but has to go to clinicals tomorrow. She is on a pediatric respiratory floor at Children's Hospital...hope she is feeling good enough to go. It was hard for mom to leave and put her in Todd's hands, but he did a good job! It is just going to take time for her to heal.

Today Carli wants to do something to celebrate being half-way through treatments. I'm not sure what we are doing as I'm leaving that up to her and she is still sleeping! Sometime this week she said that she is having her hair taken care of...she really doesn't have much left. This past week she said that she lost a lot of it-she is very matter-of-fact about it and is just wearing bandanas and scarves. She said that she doesn't think that she will use her wigs. She went to a wedding on Saturday and had a black scarf to match her black dress. She said that people probably thought that she was conservative Mennonite...until they looked at her dress!!

I thank God for air-conditioning-this week is going to be HOT and Carli will be sick. At least a cool house will keep her comfortable.

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