Sunday, August 19, 2007

Still having problems feeling bloated and feeling large. Today she was the funny one, however. I was checking out her head (which is soft and fuzzy) and she said that she feels like a cabbage patch doll! The ones that the girls had when they were little were usually bald...but I thought that they were cute! I think that she looks cute enough to go without a scarf, but she isn't that brave yet.

Two more friends from camp are here and they are all going to a concert tomorrow night. I am glad that she feels up to it. Although, I think that she would go if she had to crawl!

I start back to school tomorrow, which makes me a little anxious. It will be good for Carli not to have me around so much, I guess! Hopefully she will make some more calls tomorrow and get her schedule at Wayne College figured out. One more hurdle to jump over.........


Deb Fitzwater said...

Good luck tomorrow at school, Beth! Carli's going to be just fine! Think of Whose Hands that beautiful little bald head is in! :-)


Deb said...

Carli, hope u have a better week....praying for a good start at Wayne!!
Beth, hope u have a good week too!praying that God will ease your worry-wart!

kelsie,good luck at grove!!

love &hugs,
greg, deb &paige