Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some photos from this weekend.....

Carli was able to drink most of the contrast, and her CT and echocardiogram went well. She felt pretty nauseated afterward, but she was able to eat some breakfast. She went to bed as soon as we got home. Neither of us felt very good...I think that my body has sympathy nausea sometimes!!

I asked her if she wanted to make an appt. with Dr. Stallings sometime this week or next to find out the results. She prefers to "enjoy my 2 good weeks" and said that "even if the results aren't good, it won't change anything right now". So, I am going to be patient and let her find out on her own terms. We are both optimistic and believing that her results will be good, which still means 2 more months of treatments...

She is not going to have chemo next week d/t the wedding that she is in on November 3. She really wants to enjoy being with her friends and doesn't want to be so tired and sick. She is excited to spend time with her friend from GCC, Emily. She also went to high school with the groom-to-be, Rob. So, it should be a lot of fun. I really appreciate the fact that Rob and Emily don't mind having a girl with VERY short hair in their wedding! They are very good friends and have been so supportive of her. They would accept Carli no matter what.

She went to class tonight and then is watching a movie with Jeremy. Ted is at school board...I am enjoying some quiet time!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Nice Pictures!!

carli hope the rest of the week is a good one!! take care & have some fun!! Looks like the gerbers had some much needed fun last weekend!

love & hugs,
greg, deb & paige