Saturday, December 22, 2007

Carli was still very tired and not feeling the greatest yesterday. But she did manage to be as domestic as I've ever seen her...and got most of her Christmas gifts finished. It was the first time that I have ever seen her at a sewing machine :)

We went out to dinner late last night, which wasn't the best thing for Carli to do...but it was her suggestion. Todd and Tara were home and we went to our favorite little restaurant in Massillon. Yum. But, she was up a lot last night with abdominal discomfort.

Against my judgement, she left for Indiana today for a holiday family gathering with Jeremy's family. I know that she was excited to give him his gift...I just hope that she is not too tired to enjoy it when she gets there!! I worry when she is on the road and not feeling her best. But, she is 22 and I no longer have any say in the matter!

Todd and Tara are in Grove City today for a wedding. Will be fun for them to see her college friends. Kelsie and I are hanging out...I am trying to put this house back in order. Carli had things EVERYWHERE....her "nest" in the family room, and stuff from her college room all over the place. So, that is what I am trying to get under control today, so we will have room for Christmas to take place!!

As we get closer to Christmas Day, I still feel like a little girl who can't wait for the big day. I am so grateful for everything that we have been given, and so thankful for the Grace of Jesus who forgives all of our human shortcomings. We have had a trying year, but we are looking ahead to 2008 with thankful hearts.

Again I have to thank every one of you who take the time to read this blog and keep Carli in your prayers. THANK YOU!!

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