Sunday, May 4, 2008

Carli's commissioning at GCC

The commissioning service during chapel today at GCC was very nice. 8 students are going on mission adventures for the whole summer, and their expenses are paid for by the "Red Box Mission" program at GCC. They are going to China, Romania, Ireland, Romania, and I forget where else! Carli did not have them mention anything about why she had to postpone her trip to AFrica...she really doesn't want anyone to know if they don't already. She said that it was nice today because last year everyone was very sad for her and many stopped to pray for her...not that she minded the prayers, but she just didn't want sympathy.

We took the girls out to lunch, Carli's roomie went along as the Gerber daughter #4, and then they had a sorority meeting so we went to the outlets for a few minutes and then home. What a whirlwind weekend!

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