Thursday, December 25, 2008

My apologies to my dear daughter for being too personal...I guess that being a nurse and talking about these things every day with kids make it seem "normal" to this blog is my way of much easier than pen and paper. So, please understand when I talk about her and her physical is what I am thinking about these days and praying that her disease is GONE and that there are no lasting SIDE EFFECTS from the chemo.

Nothing like children singing to make Christmas eve special. My two choirs combined to sing "Carriers of the Light"...a neat musical about carrying Jesus' light out into the world. They were so cute dressed in their nativity costumes. Precious.

Tara and Todd made it home in plenty of time to experience the Gerber Christmas morning. It is so good to have everyone here. Then we had a great brunch with Todd's family, Ted's parents and a good friend, Connie, from church. Yummy yummy food, great fellowship, laughter, doesn't get any better than that. Sometimes I feel like my life is boring, and I wish that we were more exciting...but then I think about all of the little things that add up to big things and we are SO BLESSED. Jeremy experienced the first Christmas morning with us...and he still wants to marry Carli :)

Kelsie was so sweet getting excited about what others were getting for gifts...I miss the little child innocence of Christmas, but sometimes knowing that they are all grown up and still get giddy over the little things...I know that all is well.

One more large gathering to go...the Kohler family is having our get-together on Saturday. Always fun with lots of kids, weird sense of humor times, and a little sad this year without Dad. I hope that my kids remember me with such love...

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