Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Carli had her port placed this morning and was only in the hospital about 4 hours. Then Ted, Carli and I went to Dr. Stallings office and met with the nurse who explained all of her chemo drugs. Was very hard to hear the side effects-especially the losing hair, heart and lung problems and possible infertility. Please pray that long term side effects are minimal. Losing her hair and another scar on her chest are really bothering her now. At my age, I know that those are minimal concerns, but at 21, they are huge.

Carli is scheduled for her first chemo treatment tomorrow morning at 10:30. She can have it done at Dr. Stalling's office. They have la-z-boy recliners and it will take about 2 1/2 hours. She can take her DVD player and finally watch the movies that she never has time to see!! She will have treatments every other week, with a doctor visit and labwork. So, will probably take at least half a day to get it accomplished.

She also called Camp Friedenswald and they have a job for her when she feels well enough to drive up there (it's in lower western Michigan). That really made her day. Please pray that on the "off" week she will feel like going. That would make this summer tolerable for her. (and maybe the rest of us, too :) She really hasn't been at home for any length of time since she graduated from high school, so it is an adjustment for all of us.

Again, THANK YOU for all of the cards, prayers, food...it really means a lot, especially when we don't have the energy to think about cooking, etc. Your friendship keeps us going.

God has promised to walk with us, and we see evidence of this every day!


Laurie, Jake, Kelly, and Kara said...

So glad things went smoothly today. We'll pray for minimal side effects and strength for you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jake, Laurie, Kelly, and Kara

Anonymous said...

I love you Carli! I hope everything goes well for you the rest of the week!

Carrie said...

I would love to give you a big hug right now. But since that's not possible, please know I am here praying for you, thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way! God Bless You!

Carrie Sullivan
John - Seth & Ryan too!

Jane and Craig said...

Only 12 more hours and then the road to recovery begins....we are praying for that road to be as straight as possible with very few twists and turns.

Dave & Gilda said...

I couldn't stop thinking of you today at work.You are constantly in my thoughts.Hang in there Carli.
Gilda & Dave

Debbie said...

All of us girls at the vet clinic are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers everyday!
Stay strong!

Deb said...

Praying for you as u start this journey , that God will give u strength, love & carry you always!
Good luck & we love you!!
greg, deb & paige

Lori said...

Thought of you all day Carli!! The road to recovery has begun- that's a good thing. We love you and pray for you everyday. Hang in there doodle!!
Lori & Danny