Sunday, May 13, 2007

She still is not feeling well. Her stomach is really bothering her and she gets dizzy when she's up. She has eaten a little today, however, and the weirdest things are still sounding good to her, but by the time that I fix it or find it, it doesn't sound good anymore. We are trying to get her to drink as much as possible, which is hard when everything tastes yucky.

She's looking forward to a good season finale of "Desperate Housewives"-we'll take what we can get! This afternoon she didn't even feel like watching TV or a movie, so the fact that she has it on now is encouraging.

Please pray that each day will find her feeling better.


Kathy & Larry said...

If there is anything at all that sounds appealing to your appetite, just give us a call. We'll make it for you!
We are praying that the week ahead will be MUCH better than last week!
You are loved!
Kathy & Larry

Anonymous said...

Carli, keep your head up girl. I love you! If you want something just let me know! School is done so I have more free time now. Keep Champ by your side! Love you always, Amber

Deb said...

God is holding you in his arms everyday, I know u can feel that!We pray that each day, each hour will get better for you!! God is always faithful & He will give u grace to get thru each day!!

love ya,
greg, deb & paige

Sharla said...

Hang in there. Know that you are being covered in prayer. We may not always understand why things happen, but know that God has a plan for us all and he will be beside us as we go through life on His path. We will continue to pray for you and your family.
A friend in Christ,