Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another rough day

Carli had a rough time today. She was VERY apprehensive going to get her post chemo meds and fluids today. She was afraid that she was going to have another attack of chest pain and shortness of breath, so she was nervous during the whole visit. She got very sick after the meds (which are supposed to prevent nausea and vomiting). I really feel that they are trying everything that they can, she is just not responding well. They did go ahead and give her the Decadron today, and also Ativan for her anxiety, plus Zofran for the nausea, and some fluids.

She did eat a little, even though it was very weird stuff from the Dari-Ette. She wanted a bun with "the works" on it, no meat!! yuck! But, she ate it and it stayed down. She visited a little with Grandpa, and then went to bed.

I just hope that this evening goes better, and that she can enjoy the holiday tomorrow. We haven't made any plans, as she just wants to be a "couch potato". I will be happy if she feels good enough to be on the couch!


Nancy Vura said...

Hard to believe that it is 4th of July eve! You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. Sounds as if things are going well (I know that is a relative term, but keeping up with treatments is a must and she is doing it!!) Speaking of hair, mine has now grown so much I am considering getting a perm. Imagine that! All in good time! You hang in there and you control the things that you can, and trust that the good Lord will take care of the things you can't control.

Deb said...

praying that the meds will kick in & help u feel better instead of worse.....God know your every ache & pain, he is holding u tight...lean on him!!
hope u can feel all the love & prayers, take care & keep the faith!
love & hugs!
greg, deb & paige

Lori said...

Hope the meds are kicking in today and you'll feel a little better. We're thinking and praying for you daily. Keep your head up and growl!!

Love you lots,
Lori, Danny, Brett, and Kaylie