Monday, May 7, 2007

We found out today that Carli needed to see a surgeon for a port insertion. The doctor that was suggested couldn't see her until the 18th! Needless to say, that was not soon enough! So, after a few phone calls, I got her in with his partner this afternoon!! And, the good part, he got her on the surgery schedule for tomorrow morning! She goes to Wooster Community in the morning...and as I'm writing this, Ted is on the phone with Stalling's office and now they want an echocardiogram. SO, her treatment will not happen tomorrow as planned, she will go in tomorrow for the port insertion, get an echo, and have chemo on Wednesday.

She is really down today, I don't think that it really hit her until we had everything scheduled. She is worried about scars, hair, all of the things that a 21 year old would worry about. She is tired and I don't think that she realizes how much this is taking out of her. Please pray that things go smoothly tomorrow and Wednesday when she gets her first treatment.


Dave & Gilda said...

Hang in there Carli,
We will be thinking of all of you today. I told my sister, Mary and her choir group lifted you in prayer on Sunday.
You have so many people praying for you. I know God will listen.He has been so good so far and I am confindent He will not let us down.
I'm happy you got to do some "normal" things last weekend.
I will be praying for you all today and hoping all goes well with the chemo.
Take Care
Uncle Dave & Aunt Gilda

Deb said...

Hi Carli,

You are such a strong & beautiful young woman, & God has wrapped his arms around you....He is always with you!! Lots of people are praying for you!! Praying for strength & love... So many things we don't understand here on earth, but we do know God will hold you & always love you!!
Hang in there!!

greg, deb & paige