Sunday, February 21, 2010

My mom used to say that the older you get, the faster time flies...I used to think that she was crazy, and now I know how wise she really was.

OK, these commercials by P&G are getting to me...the ones about moms...I think I cry during almost every one! The Olympics are exciting as always and I am losing sleep. Thank goodness they are only 2 weeks long. I cannot imagine being the parent of an Olympian..I was stressed out by Solo and Ensemble contests, musicals and track meets. Hard to imagine what these parents are feeling.

Also hard to imagine the parents of cancer children who are losing their battle. Just read a blog that notified us of a teen's battle that is finally over. It is comforting to think of her in the arms of Jesus, but I cannot fathom her parent's grief. Please pray for the family of Kristen.

Carli is communicating with a 21 year old from Shelby, Ohio who is going through treatment for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. How cool it is for the internet to be such a positive tool for them to talk and for Carli to be able to share her journey. Last night she needed to know what she took for mouth sores, and thank goodness I had saved her medication bottles. Don't exactly know why I saved them, I just did. I guess now I know why I'm such a pack-rat. Hopefully with Carli's encouragement and suggestions this gal will know that there is someone who understands and can help. It is really lonely going through the process sometimes. Our church is going to send her cards of encouragement. How cool to get cards from folks that you don't even know. Carli even got things like a quilt (thanks Kathy) from people that she's never met. Today's sermon was on I John and how we need to mirror God's many folks are doing just that. And so is Carli by being a support to this gal she's never met.

We are having a baby shower for Tara this Saturday. She is getting very excited and has the nursery ready to go. It is so funny to hear her tell stories about Todd's reactions to what he is learning...he has never really been around babies and has a lot to learn :)

Kelsie has decided to live in the apartments at GCC next year. I think that is a good move, as she is having a tough time living in the dorm after being in an apartment in Italy. Her classes are going well, and she is looking for an internship for the summer. She is involved in her sorority and having fun. She will be the director for the all college sing which is on parent's weekend in May. It is a lot of fun with singing and choreography by the different groups. Always a good time.

Can't wait to see the sun again....