Thursday, April 26, 2012

So...changes to the blogger and I'm not sure what will show up! We had a shower for Carli on Saturday. What fun to see the joy on her face when her friend Rachel surprised her! The aunts made awesome food, we enjoyed The Hungry Caterpillar theme, and Carli got some awesome gifts. The baby will certainly be the best dressed baby!! Then we came home, regrouped, and had a birthday party for Grace. Can't believe that she is 2 already! More thanks to the aunts and uncles for spending their entire day with the Gerbers! Sunday evening we went to see The Titanic in 3-D. I am just not made for such gave me a headache and I was nauseated a lot of the time. What a wuss.

Friday, April 13, 2012


I cannot believe that I haven't posted in over 2 months! That is in indication that life has not slowed down any. My "part time" job doesn't pay much for the hours that I put in!!

Working on fun things at church. My kids' choirs are performing a musical, "The Lost Boy" on May 13 for Mother's Day. They are really doing well and are excited about it. Now to find/create costumes and props for 17 little munchkins!

We just returned last weekend from spring break at Hilton Head. We had the greatest weather ever. Kelsie went down with us and flew back on Tuesday. Monday Grace and Tara flew down and drove back with us. Confusing, but it worked! We had so much fun!

Carli and Jeremy unfortunately had to stay home for school and work. CARLI PASSED HER BOARDS!!! That is so exciting and such a blessing. Now she can concentrate on graduation (on April 29) and having a baby!

Tara is working a lot and Grace is keeping her hoppin'. Grace is talking non-stop and is just so funny. She loves her uncle funny how she says his name with a lilt to it.

Jeremy's family suffered such a tragedy in March...his brother took his own life on March 9. Very difficult to understand, and even more difficult to know how to help. I'm sure that continued prayers would be much appreciated.

Kelsie is still working at CAMO and always has a story to tell. She loves working with the volunteers, especially an older gentleman from our church, "Don". She says he is "just like grandpa" and he makes her laugh. I think that she likes the work, but doesn't necessarily like living with mom and dad :) Her boyfriend, Joey, is a nice guy and is hopefully keeping her out of trouble!!

And, of course, spring means that the Dari Ette is open!!!!