Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 is flying by, and we are grateful for that! We sure are hoping that 2008 goes by a little more smoothly. But when we know that we are refined by fire, we realize that we have a lot to learn from our trials. I just pray that I am in tune enough to realize what it is I was supposed to learn. Maybe we will never know, and when we sit at Jesus' feet it won't really matter!

Jeremy returned here on Wednesday. He took some great black and white photos of our house and the farm and put them in a unique frame-very thoughtful. Yesterday he took Carli to see "White Christmas" at the Carousel Dinner Theater...they had a nice time. Then last evening was the huge Kohler Christmas. It was nice that she could actually enjoy the food and family this time.

Tonight she and Jeremy took Tara home to Columbus. They will return tomorrow morning as Jeremy's parents are coming to see Malone College and for his baptism at our church on Sunday morning. What a weekend! We are so thankful for our pastor, Darrell, who has been meeting with Jeremy. I really can't imagine how people get through traumatic circumstances without the kind of support and love that we have received from Darrell and DeeDee, his wife. It is so nice to see him have the privilege of the baptism...such a time for rejoicing after the storm that we have been through.
We can't thank him enough for his encouragement and understanding.

Enough of my blubbering...I hope that everyone is having time to enjoy family and friends!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Carli arrived home safely yesterday afternoon. She had a wonderful time with Jeremy's extended family. We are grateful that they love and accept her-she seems to feel right at home with them.

Kelsie's quote of the day..."don't you wish that life could be put to music?"

Last night we had a beautiful candle-lighting church service, then to my sister Lori's for the Kohler gift exchange. As always, there was plenty of good food! It was nice that Carli is finally feeling better and she could enjoy it.

Today was a great day. Tara had us all up and rolling and we opened gifts in the morning. Then we had the grandparents and Todd's family here for brunch. Ted's sister Carolyn and family came over in the afternoon. Was nice to see our nephew Dusty who is here from California, and his sister Amber who now lives in western Ohio.

Carli was so excited to give Ted a corn hole game that she and Jeremy made. They painted it OSU style, and we will no doubt have many happy hours playing this game. Folks who have it seem to get addicted!!

We had such a good time just being together today. We are blessed...and we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! Jesus is the greatest gift of all...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Carli was still very tired and not feeling the greatest yesterday. But she did manage to be as domestic as I've ever seen her...and got most of her Christmas gifts finished. It was the first time that I have ever seen her at a sewing machine :)

We went out to dinner late last night, which wasn't the best thing for Carli to do...but it was her suggestion. Todd and Tara were home and we went to our favorite little restaurant in Massillon. Yum. But, she was up a lot last night with abdominal discomfort.

Against my judgement, she left for Indiana today for a holiday family gathering with Jeremy's family. I know that she was excited to give him his gift...I just hope that she is not too tired to enjoy it when she gets there!! I worry when she is on the road and not feeling her best. But, she is 22 and I no longer have any say in the matter!

Todd and Tara are in Grove City today for a wedding. Will be fun for them to see her college friends. Kelsie and I are hanging out...I am trying to put this house back in order. Carli had things EVERYWHERE....her "nest" in the family room, and stuff from her college room all over the place. So, that is what I am trying to get under control today, so we will have room for Christmas to take place!!

As we get closer to Christmas Day, I still feel like a little girl who can't wait for the big day. I am so grateful for everything that we have been given, and so thankful for the Grace of Jesus who forgives all of our human shortcomings. We have had a trying year, but we are looking ahead to 2008 with thankful hearts.

Again I have to thank every one of you who take the time to read this blog and keep Carli in your prayers. THANK YOU!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chemo #16

Finally the big day arrived. I thought that Carli would be relieved, instead she was more anxious than ever. She said that she couldn't be happy or celebrate until the end of the week when she felt human again. I just sat in the parking lot and cried. I don't think that she will ever truly know how this affects her parents. But, we took goodies to Dr. S's staff and everyone was cheering her on. Debbie gave her the chemo again, and was so supportive. She had tears in her eyes when we left...they have been really good to us. Hopefully we won't have to see them very many more times. The chemo was hard again, the red devil was from the devil, but I can only picture that it is working.

She talked Dr. S out of the Neulasta since it was her final treatment. At least she is not as achey as usual. But, her neck is still aching like before. Go figure. She will have her blood count and labwork done the beginning of January.

Her PET scan is scheduled for January 28. She will have to come home as they only do them one day/week at Wooster. It is a mobile unit...not sure where all it goes. I am praying for good weather so that there are no glitches...Dr. S said that we are not even going to think about stem cell transplant at this time...he also is hoping that the PET scan will be clear and Carli can move it is encouraging that he is staying positive.

Kelsie is home...she certainly adds a dramatic flair to our otherwise quiet existence! We are frantically working on Christmas...Carli has had her creativity halted by chemo week...I have been helped by wonderful people bringing goodies (thanks, Janice!). My sister Lori was very sick over the weekend, and I feel badly that I can't be around her more...but since Carli didn't get the Neulasta we all have to be very mindful of not bringing "germs" into her life. (sorry, Lori!)

The Lord has brought me some great Christian friends at work and they are continually asking about Carli and supporting me. That is what is keeping me going on many days. I feel like I've dropped the ball with my poor job-shadow buddy Lana, but she is so understanding and has been picking up the slack. I am so THANKFUL for my job at Wooster City Schools that allows me to have time off over the holidays...pretty rare for a nurse!!! God certainly placed me in the position at least for the present work schedule has allowed me to take Carli to chemo almost every session, and Jeremy has been here to help out...that was nice because he was more attentive than I am! God has been good in so many ways...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Carli has been working hard this week on Christmas gifts. It has been fun to watch her learning to do things that she has never done before, and I never thought that she would do! (I can't divulge any info...would give away what she has been up to!) She said tonight that it is so nice to be productive, instead of lying around. She feels like she wastes a lot of time when she is this week of feeling better and doing things that she enjoys was just what the doctor ordered!!

Tomorrow she is playing her flute in church to help accompany the adult choir. It is nice to hear her play has been quite a long time since she has picked up her flute!

The end of chemo is in sight...that brings many different thoughts and emotions on my part. I'm not really sure what she is thinking. I know that she can't wait to be done! What a great Christmas gift!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thanks to all of you who sent birthday greetings! She had a pretty good day. Jeremy took her out to lunch...complete with getting surprised by having to wear a huge sombraro...

She is going to try to do some Christmas shopping today. She won't get going very early as sleeping in helps her so much on her week "off". Then she has class tonight.

Just read a blog written by a friend of a friend...whose young daughter is also getting her "last" chemo. It is so scary because you so want to believe that it really will be the last chemo. But, cancer has such a huge hold on us that you always think that it could come back...or not go away in the first place...I feel like my faith is lacking when I have these thoughts. I have to believe that God does have a plan and that this will some day be completely behind us. I have to keep thinking about the verses that tell us to keep thinking on the things of shine like stars in this world...and to rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS. Philippians is so encouraging...4:13 says "I can do everything through Him who give me strength"...AMEN!

Carli is planning ahead and will be one of the leaders of a group from GCC going to Belize in March dudring spring break. They are having difficulty finding airline tickets...keep them in your prayers. They are such a great group of college kids with the hearts of servants. Please pray for Carli's health and for them to be able to find tickets that they can afford. When I see and hear what other kids want to do on spring break, it is so nice to hear of college kids who want to help others.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Two of Carli's friends and soroity sisters are here tonight in an early birthday celebration. It is so good to hear her laughing and giggling. Rachel and Emily are her "big" and "little" sisters and such dear friends. I'm sure that visiting with them will really get her excited to return to Grove City.

Carli's 22nd birthday is on Monday...please send her an email greeting at:


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chemo week #15

Fifteen...and counting down to #16. This has been another rough one. She says that it is the worst yet...feels very "flu-like"...nausea, achey, worse than ever. It is time to be done with all of this! It is nice to have Jeremy here so that I can leave to get groceries and do some Christmas shopping without worrying about her. Don't get me wrong, I still worry (it's my job as a mom) but at least I know that he can hop up and down for her and call me, if need be.

Dr. Stallings sounded more encouraging yesterday than before! Carli really needed to hear positive words. He said that he thinks that things are going well, and that she should plan on going back to school. Her PET scan will be the end of January. If they do it too soon after chemo, they can get a false negative. Sure wouldn't want that to happen. Then, if it looks good, she will just have to have checkups/scans to watch it. I didn't ask how often, seems as though things are case-to-case, so I didn't know if he would have an answer yet. He did say that if she would have to have a stem cell transplant, that she would be in the hospital for at least a month...please PRAY that this won't be necessary!

She found out that she can be in the room that she originally planned on being in for her senior year, and that she and Rachel can room together. Rachel has been a very good friend, and Carli was so happy to think about going back to GCC and rooming with her. So, some more good news :)

Please continue to pray that she will not have such negative effects from the chemo and Neulasta. It is so hard to see her look so miserable. She is getting discouraged, I pray that she feels Jesus walking with her....

Saturday, December 1, 2007

If you didn't read Tara's blog...

If you didn't read Tara's blog posted on Thursday, please do! I posted another one on Friday, and I'm afraid that maybe people missed Tara's posting regarding running for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Check it out!!