Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is just too much fun! To all of you crazy grandparents out I understand! Now I understand why everyone says that it is just the best. The young parents will never know what you are really feeling, and how you pray that they will be good parents and give their kids what really, their time, love, and lots of hugs from grandma and grandpa....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Grace Catherine Anderson has arrived! She made her appearance at 4:57pm and is 7#12oz and is 20.5 inches long. She has a head full of curly reddish hair, and is the cutest baby in the world! The emotions were almost overwhelming the first time we met her. It is so weird thinking that our baby had a baby! Brought back many memories and emotions that were deep inside.

Tara had an uneventful labor and delivery which was a wonderful thing. Now hopefully they will be able to get some sleep tonight. Let the fun begin!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

OK-the scoop-Tara is going in tomorrow morning at 6am to be induced. So, hopefully by tomorrow afternoon/evening, Tara and Todd will be parents and we will be grandparents! How exciting! creative and somewhat crazy friends have come up with new names..."Teddy Gram and Gram Cracker". Maybe "grandma" isn't so bad after all :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just talked to baby yet!! She is feeling good, but very ready to get this show on the road! She has everything ready to go, and needs one more grocery store run, and then baby Grace can come any time.

I will try to post here ASAP when baby Grace makes her appearance. Hopefully it will be SOON!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Carli heard from Rhiannon and her tests are clear! She will "only" need 6 chemos. I am not sure if she will be receiving radiation, though.

Tara is now officially off work. Her blood pressure was up, so her doctor doesn't want her working any more. She is ready to have this baby!! If she doesn't have it by next week she might be induced. It was nice of baby "Grace" not to appear this week as Ted and I decided to go on our planned spring break vacation. We have had the most relaxing time ever...and I think that was a good thing as once this baby is born we will be very busy!!

It is hard to even imagine what it will be like to have a grand baby. Eveyone says it is the best...guess we'll find out real soon! If anyone has any suggestions for fun names other than "grandma" and "grandpa", please let me know! We do have some time before she will start talking... :)