Friday, April 27, 2007

Can't believe that I (Beth) am finally doing something technologically cool. Who would've ever thought? This is such a great way to keep in touch! Thanks Todd!! Tara and Kelsie are not too happy with the photos, but that was Carli's handiwork!

She was feeling a little better this evening. Good friends from Grove City are coming tonight and 2 friends from Michigan are coming tomorrow. Hope she feels good enough to enjoy the visits. She is anticipating removing the opsite from her incision tomorrow-it itches!

So hard to wait until next Wednesday...pray that we have patience and that the treatments can start soon.

Thanks to all who are praying, sending cards, flowers, bears (thanks Amber!) and wishes her way! We couldn't do it without you!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Carli is feeling a tiny bit better today, although still not able to do much but be a couch potato. Waiting is hard-Wednesday feels like an eternity away.
Carli appreciates all the cards, emails and messages that she has received (especially the ones from the little ones like Joy :)
Keep praying!
P.S. She also loves pictures and insisted these be posted of her beautiful sisters after Kelsie's production of "Godspell"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


We got some good news today! Craig called and said that it is definitely Hodgkin's Lymphoma! Who would've thought that would be "good" news? Hodgkin's is more treatable than some other kinds of Lymphoma, so we are thankful for that.

I scheduled an appt. with a Lymphoma specialist at the Cleveland Clinic for next Wednesday afternoon. Pray for wisdom and prompt decisions. We really want to get treatment started!

She is really feeling yucky today. It is very hard not to be able to give her something to make it all better. Please pray that she can rest comfortably.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

4/24/07 Everything went well in Clarion yesterday. Craig did the lymph node biopsy in her neck and an oncologist from Clarion did 2 bone marrow biopsies from her pelvis. Needless to say, she is quite sore and can't wait for the incision on her neck to heal.

Now we wait for results. The pathologist in Clarion said that it is definitely Lymphoma, now we wait for the typing and staging. She has rather large nodes in her chest, so please pray that these don't cause any problems before we start treatment.

We covet your prayers. We don't know how we would get through this without our family and friends. Special thanks, beyond words, to Jane and Craig.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Going to Clarion

We are headed to Clarion today for Carli's biopsy.