Friday, August 10, 2012

Another summer has come and gone.  Started work again this week and it is crazier than ever.  Lots of changes for me at school, some good...some not so good...but I have learned to roll with the punches.  When I get frazzed, I'll just think of Grace and Madalyn and that will help improve my mood!

June flew by with a vacation on Hilton Head Island.  It is absolutely our favorite place to be.  Feels like home, we have our favorite restaurants, and the beach can't be beat.  Kelsie and Joey, Tara and Grace came down mid-week and brought some liveliness to our otherwise boring existence!  Carli and Jeremy did not get to come for 2 reasons...Jeremy started a new job with Kidron Electric and didn't have any vacation time, AND, of course, they had a 2 week old baby!  It was hard for grandma not to see little Madalyn for 2 weeks, but I survived.

July brought fun times~~volunteering for an evening at CAMO making baby layettes, Tara's concert in Columbus, babysitting Grace while her sitter was on vacation, and a quick trip to Blue Ridge, Georgia to see Jane's son Riley.  Great month, great family and friends...but one note of sadness...Ted decided to have the barn on my dad's farm dismantled.  It was deteriorating, and would be too expensive to fix.  So hard to see that part of my childhood being torn down.

August so far brought Carli and Jeremy's 3rd wedding anniversary, fun times with Cindy at the Relief Sale, lunch with my mentoree from church, lunch with friends, and SCHOOL.  Now back to the grind.