Thursday, May 26, 2011

Another checkup...

Carli had another checkup today with Dr. Stallings and it was OK!!!! So thankful that she passed another 6 month milestone!!! She is feeling good and still enjoying PT school. Jeremy also likes his job--things are looking up for the Brauns!

Grace is also feeling better after an URI, ear infection and Roseola. Poor kid. Tara works all of Memorial Day weekend, so Grace will be with Todd. Boo.

Kelsie comes home Friday afternoon and leaves for camp on Monday morning. Will be nice to have her home, albeit a very short time. But...she will be completely done with undergrad! yea!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Kelsie's Graduation

Congratulations, Kelsie!!!!!!!!

Only 2 more weeks and you'll be "official"!! Then she's off to Camp Friedenswald for a summer of fun but hard work. No breaks in the work week until Sunday...then you start all over again on Monday!

I wish that she could be home a few days before she leaves, but I guess that I'll have to be satisfied with 1 or 2 days.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Great friends, Parent's Weekend and more...

Again, I want to say that I have the best friends in the world!

My "girls" from OWU days got together a few weekends ago, and, unbeknownst to me, planned an afternoon of helping Tara. I thought that we were going to go shopping or some other girlie thing....when, in reality, we were going to do service. The big surprise was getting to do this with a college friend that I hadn't seen since graduation some 30+ years ago. What a blessing! We cleaned and reorganized Tara's house while she was at work. With Jane's expert eye, her living room and dining room look like a new place! And Laurie, Cindy and Linda cleaned and reorganized the kitchen, porch and dining room. It is nice for Tara to feel a little like she is starting over. It looks great!! I can't thank them enough... Now, if I could only have miracles like that happen in my house :)

We had a great Easter...all three girls were here, including my 2 sisters. Wonderful.

Last weekend was Parent's Weekend at Grove City. The last after 11 years of having daughters there. Kelsie's sorority came in second at the All Campus Sing!! Very exciting...they were so cute!! May 14 she graduates...can't believe that our baby is graduating from COLLEGE!

Yesterday Carli and I went to Columbus--Carli's "vacation" from PT school...spring break. So, we went out to lunch, spent time at Easton and Ten Thousand Villages...and got cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory (I highly recommend the Red Velvet Cake Cheesecake). Grace was great, and loves having so much attention from her aunt and grandma!