Saturday, August 28, 2010

Don't know why, but it won't let me add any more photos. I'll have to do another post with Grace's wedding photos and Kelsie's move-in day photos. Sorry!! Just tried again to edit this post...won't work...will post some more photos later :)

For all of you prayer warriors...please pray that Carli's insurance situation works out. She only has 4 more months on COBRA which still pays for f/u regarding her lymphoma. The only other insurance that she can find is one through her school...they have to take her...but they won't cover any preexisting conditions for at least a year. This puts me into panic mode. This is when my very small mustard-seed size faith is really put to the test. Please pray that we can come up with something that won't leave her uncovered...

Took Kelsie back to GCC today. A total of 11 years (1 year with 2 girls at once) there...I think that we should get some kind of prize...a reduction in tuition would be nice...

She is living in the school apartments this year. It is further away from campus, but is a beautiful walk over "Rainbow Bridge" and up many steps by the chapel. Absolutely gorgeous this time of year...I'm sure she'll just love it when the snow flies!! She has her own room/bathroom, which is so nice now that she's a senior and knows lots of other students. Maybe she will be able to concentrate more now and pull her QPA up a little. A mother can always hope...

Monday, August 16, 2010

I can't believe that summer is over (more or less)!! Going back to school is always a daunting task this time of year. My stomach hurts just to think about it. It is always so crazy trying to get all the students medical issues straight and care plans written and staff notified. Would be nice if it could be done by the first day of school, but I'm always doing good if it is under control by October or November.

Last week was such sad time. Good friend Carol Leunk passed away unexpectedly. I will miss her smile and encouragement at church. What a special lady. I only hope that some day my kids and friends can have the wonderful memories that we all have of Carol, and that they can say that I served God with my whole heart.

As you can see, Grace is growing and changing! She is such a good baby, and such a cutie. She loves the pool and just hanging out. She will be here again this weekend as Todd's brother Brian is getting married. Looking forward to them being here-I really miss the little sweetie!

Carli and Jeremy celebrated their first anniversary, and Todd and Tara celebrated their 6th! We will celebrate milestone #31 this week. WOW!

Kelsie has been busy traveling. She had a wedding in PA this past weekend, and today she leaves for Cincinnati to visit with friends that she made while in Italy. Can't keep her down on the farm....

Speaking of staying in Wayne County-my oldest brother, Gary, and his wife Sally bought the house 2 doors down from us!! They will move from Connecticul sometime later this year. Will be nice to have all of my siblings in Ohio!

Celebrated the recent marriage of my niece Kristen yesterday with the Kohler family. It is so nice when we all get together-I can't imagine families that fight when they're together. Life is just too short for that.