Saturday, March 27, 2010

It is so hard to wait and be patient! My devotions today were about Isaac and his wait for a wife and then a child. The Bible says that he pleaded with God. How many times have I done that? I still plead that Carli's tests will continue to be free of Lymphoma...that our new grandbaby will be healthy...that the delivery will be a smooth one...that Kelsie will find direction for the summer and beyond...that Jesse will be able to continue with school and graduate with his class...

There are so many other things. Sometimes I wonder if God gets tired of listening to me as all I seem to do is plead. I need to remember the thankfulness part and the adoration part. I don't seem to take the time for that...

Carli has been the object of show and tell and discussion at school. They have been studying different effects of chemo and things that she can definitely describe and show. She still has quite an ugly scar on her chest from her port..and she had to describe how it feels and show it to everyone so that they understand when they see a patient with the same thing. She is also having problems with the muscles in her legs, which is also a chemo side effect. Another one of my pleadings to God is that she doesn't have long term effects such as heart damage and fertility problems. She takes it all in stride and keeps such a good attitude.

I haven't gotten an update recently on her internet friend from Shelby who has Lymphoma. Need to ask Carli about her.

Awaiting the birth of baby Anderson-and Kelsie coming home for Spring Break-and a wonderful Easter celebration at church. Exciting times!

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