Saturday, August 28, 2010

Don't know why, but it won't let me add any more photos. I'll have to do another post with Grace's wedding photos and Kelsie's move-in day photos. Sorry!! Just tried again to edit this post...won't work...will post some more photos later :)

For all of you prayer warriors...please pray that Carli's insurance situation works out. She only has 4 more months on COBRA which still pays for f/u regarding her lymphoma. The only other insurance that she can find is one through her school...they have to take her...but they won't cover any preexisting conditions for at least a year. This puts me into panic mode. This is when my very small mustard-seed size faith is really put to the test. Please pray that we can come up with something that won't leave her uncovered...

Took Kelsie back to GCC today. A total of 11 years (1 year with 2 girls at once) there...I think that we should get some kind of prize...a reduction in tuition would be nice...

She is living in the school apartments this year. It is further away from campus, but is a beautiful walk over "Rainbow Bridge" and up many steps by the chapel. Absolutely gorgeous this time of year...I'm sure she'll just love it when the snow flies!! She has her own room/bathroom, which is so nice now that she's a senior and knows lots of other students. Maybe she will be able to concentrate more now and pull her QPA up a little. A mother can always hope...

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