Monday, September 24, 2007

Carli loves her new Figment towel! Thanks to the Mast's and Gannon's for thinking of her at Disney World!
I am surprised that she let me put this photo on the blog, but, as you can see, her hair is growing! She still hates it when I rub her head, but Tara and I decided that it feels like a puppy, and who doesn't love to pet puppies? (She will kill me for this).

She had a great time at Grove City this weekend, but was VERY tired when she returned. She loved seeing everyone, but I am sure that it was overwhelming. She said that it was great to be there without any work to do-she could really enjoy the campus and her friends.

She has another week to enjoy-it was so nice to get up this morning and not have to take her to chemo. Sometimes disappointments end up being blessings...isn't that the way God is?

1 comment:

Deb said...


u look so cute!!! enjoy your week &have fun!! May God give you strength,love & some laughter this week!

love & hugs & prayers
greg, deb & paige