Monday, September 10, 2007

Chemo Week # 9

Carli had a good time at the wedding on Saturday, then had a wedding shower to attend on Sunday. She also was fitted for her bridesmaid's dress...and it fits! She was happy, as since chemo she has gained a few pounds.

Today was LONG...we waited quite a while to see Dr. Stallings, and then another patient reacted to her chemo so they were all busy with her. The longer we waited today, the more anxious Carli got. She still gets so sick when they access her port, and then again when they give her the "red devil". She slept through most of the chemo today, which is good, but got real sick when they finished and flushed her port. He gave us a med to try next time to ease the anxiety...hopefully it will help decrease the nausea and vomiting.

Tonight she is questioning if she really would have to do the extra chemo. Dr. S said today that the new recommendations are 8 months (it used to be a minimum of 6). She said that she doesn't know if she can do this 7 more times...I said that she has no choice. It is hard, because I know that I really cannot understand what she is going through. But, on the other hand, she cannot know what it is like to be her mom and feel so terribly helpless. In talking with another patient at the office today, I said that you just have to realize that you are not in control. It is hard for me to leave this is God's hands, but that is all that I can do! He has promised to walk with us...and that His plan is best...

She feels very sick tonight...earlier than usual. She feels "chemical" again, and can't get comfortable. Please pray that she gets a good night's rest and will be able to tolerate going to classes tomorrow night.

A big thank you to the great friends who keep us going with food, cards, music, emails, calls, etc. etc. etc. I know that I sound like a broken record, but we couldn't do this without you!

1 comment:

Deb said...

It's so hard to hear all you go thru!! Know that God is Always with you &your family!! U Can Do this ,7 more times or whatever it takes,u do have what it takes to help you get thru this!! You are very strong & have powerful faith!I know that i can't understand what u r going thru, I only know that God is in control & is holding u up All the Way!! We want u to get better & know u can get thru this!!!
love & hugs!!
greg, deb & paige