Saturday, March 1, 2008

I just read a great book that should be required reading for all people in the medical profession. The title is Strong at the Broken Places-voices of illness, a chorus of hope. It is written by Richard M. Cohen (Meredith Viara's husband who has MS and has had colon cancer twice). It offers insight by 5 people who are living with fatal, chronic and mental illnesses. Richard learned to know these folks and interviewed them over a period of time and really delved deep into what makes them tick. The overall theme was that they are not their disease and struggle to make it in a world that really doesn't understand and treat them like normal people. Lots to think about...they all said that they can always think of people that are worse off than they are (even though 3 of them are terminal). Sure gives you lots to ponder...and made me realize how blessed we really are...

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