Monday, June 23, 2008

We are back from a week in Hilton Head and it flew! Was so nice to have Tara, Todd, and Kelsie with us. Todd could only stay until Tuesday evening and flew home, but he did manage to get in some great golfing while he was there.

Carli called twice while we were gone, and it was soooo good to talk to her. I can't imagine what parents used to go through before cell phones and email. It is nice because I can hear things in her voice that you can't tell via email. I think that she is doing well, but it is still frustrating for her not to be able to communicate like she wishes she could. I know that by the end of her time there she will be doing fine...she will probably want to go back again because she will finally be speaking Spanish. I am so jealous b/c I know about 5 words that aren't English.

Please continue to pray for her health and safety. Also for Kim, too!!

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