Friday, February 27, 2009

Sorry! I emailed and made phone calls, but didn't update the blog...oops. We are so happy that the surgeon does not feel that it is anything to be worried about. If the lump grows/changes, he will remove it and test it. Otherwise, we will just watch it. Such a relief, but I am never totally relaxed. Even Ted said the other day that he feels tension on a daily basis. Many reasons for tension, and they are not all bad...planning a wedding, Ted is planning on a remodeling project for the clinic, work, too many people that we know having surgery...and chemo...

It's funny that a blog that I read about a young lady (8) with cancer mentioned how fortunate that we live where we do. Carli and I had the conversation that if we didn't live here with our insurance and medical treatment, she could be dead. Such a sobering thought when you realize that all of these parents love their children, too, and many are helpless to do anything about their medical condition or their poverty. I read in a Mennonite publication tonight that if your needs are met, then you probably have enough to GIVE. Most of us don't see it that way in the light of the present economy. But God does promise to supply our needs...if we could just rest in HIM...

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