Monday, March 23, 2009

Our friends are wonderful...Carli had an appointment at Community Health Care (where I used to work) and spoke with my good friend Maryann. Her daughter, Kristen, recently graduated from Walsh's PT program, and Kristen's husband is the campus pastor there. To make a long story short, Kristen wrote the PT program a great letter about Carli and how her QPA is really good for someone who went through what she did. So...the director of the program emailed Carli last week and asked her to explain she contacted him and got an appointment with him the same day! She explained her circumstances, how Walsh is her first choice, etc etc etc. He said not to rule out getting in this year. There are 2 open spots right now, but they are giving them to students who are already at Walsh. I can understand that.
But, that last year they actually notified people THE WEEK OF THE BEGINNING OF CLASSES that they were in~how are you supposed to plan your life?

Carli and Jeremy are in Michigan visiting Jeremy's family this weekend. This house is so quiet! I haven't heard from them, and I'm sure that they are having a great time. Jeremy's mom sounds like super woman so I'm sure that she's made Jeremy all of the food that he's been missing :) I am hoping that they are having fun discussing wedding plans. Jeremy is one of 4 boys, so Sarah has not had the "fun" of being the wedding planner! Carli will keep her in the loop, I'm sure!!

They are also talking to the folks at Camp Friendenswald to see about working up there after they get married. That would be nice for them as they would not have housing/food expenses. Jeremy could finish at Goshen College...we'll see what GOD has in store!!

Kelsie is busy making plans to try to study in Italy next semester. wedding anniversary...God is good. Kelsie is about killing herself with 18 semester hours this semester, and since she changed majors and wants to get an art minor, she will have to take that many to graduate on time. I am trying to talk her into doing courses during the summer and some intercessions so she won't put herself over the edge. GCC is so academically challenging that she doesn't have time to do the things that she WANTS to do like rugby, music, drama, etc. She is going to Hilton Head with us over spring break which will be great! Tara is flying down to spend a good part of the week with us, too. I can't wait!!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases...His mercies never come to an end...they are new every morning...great is Thy faithfulness!

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