Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And they lived happily ever after....

That is what I wish for Carli and Jeremy. Happily ever after...for many years!

The wedding was what Carli had dreamed of since she was a little girl. She always wanted to get married outside...God provided a beautiful day with just enough sunlight and clouds to take wonderful photos. Right before the ceremony it POURED just a mile down the road, but all we had were a few sprinkles. How cool is that? Then for the actual ceremony the sun was shining and everything was beautiful. Carli was absolutely radiant, and Jeremy was emotional when he saw her for the first time.

They took photos before the wedding at a dear friend's gardens that will be absolutely beautiful. Our good friend, J, was the photographer and he is amazing with a camera. I think that he can make anyone look good !! But the wedding party didn't need any help...they were all stunning and the flowers were bright and cheery.

The actual ceremony was so meaningful. Darrell (our pastor) gave a wonderful meditation, the strings and the vocalists were top-notch, Keegan read a piece from CS Lewis, and Jane and Craig read I Corinthians 13. That is when I cried. I just kept thinking that without them she might not be here...but instead, we are celebrating a wedding!! Yea!! Then Carli and Jeremy wanted the first thing that they did as a couple to be to take communion. It was very spiritual, which fit them to a T.

My great-niece was the flower girl and as cute as a button. She had practiced "throwing" the flower petals at home, so she knew just what to do.

It took us a while to get the family photos taken, and I hope that folks weren't getting antsy. Then Carli and Jeremy arrived in a cute blue Beamer convertible (Jeremy's brother's). Too bad the reception was just across the road...I'm sure that they would've liked to have driven further!

The reception was great with good food and fellowship. The flowers were so beautiful...Julie, her sister Pam, and Michele Nussbaum did a great job arranging and coordinating. The only problem I had was not being able to talk to everyone...it was so frustrating. There were dear friends and family that we don't get to see very often and we wanted to spend more time with them.

It ended with fireworks and sparklers...just the right mood and ending for a perfect day.

I just had to stop and reflect on all that has happened in the past 2 years...and am so thankful that we had a great reason to celebrate.

We are so blessed.


Anonymous said...

it was a beautiful wedding, a lot of what you guys did is what I wish we could have done for my wedding...my most favorite parts were the flowers and the bridesmaid dresses. I wish I could have stayed longer at the reception but with a baby and all we had to tend to her instead and trying to keep her on a schedule as much as possible. But thank you for a great wedding!

jackie s said...

What a wonderful day for you and your whole family - i cannot even begin to imagine the joy that you must have felt. There is nothing more wonderful than having 2 believers get united in marriage - marriage is difficult enough... how do people manage to to do it without God?
Thanks for asking us to be a part - had a great time.
jackie s

Lois said...

WOW! BEAUTIFUL! The day, the people and the setting were all just the way her childhood dream imagined it could be. I love the fact that it rained a mile away. (another GOD moment) You have wonderful pictures of this weekend that you will never forget!

Lois said...

WOW! BEAUTIFUL! The day, the people and the setting were all just the way her childhood dream imagined it could be. I love the fact that it rained a mile away. (another GOD moment) You have wonderful pictures of this weekend that you will never forget!