Friday, June 8, 2007

Back to Dr. Stallings this afternoon for fluids, nausea med, and Neulasta. Tonight she is feeling sick, bloated, and very achy. The Neulasta is what he thinks is making her ache so terribly, but it is keeping her White Blood Count up, so he doesn't want to stop it. So, she just has to take pain medication and hope that it will subside in a few days. Her scalp "feels funny" tonight, so she is thinking that her hair will start falling out faster. She says that she wishes that it would just happen, so she could get on with the process. This afternoon quite a bit was coming out, but tonight not as much.

I thought that this would get "easier" as time goes on...little did I know that I feel it is actually harder. It is so hard to take her to the doctor knowing that she will feel terrible. I just keep thinking that the meds are working because she hasn't had any more fevers or night sweats. That is one good thing!!

She is really hoping to return to camp this Sunday, to get there before the campers arrive on Monday. She is going to help with the planning, etc, and not be a counselor. They are going to use her whenever she is able, and will be flexible when she isn't feeling well. Camp really does energize her both physically and spiritually. She had a good time with Janeth, from Tanzania, and thinks that this summer staff is a really good one. I think that everyone involved, campers and staff alike, will learn from having her there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Carli! You are in my prayers!!