Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Treatment went OK, saw Dr. Stallings and all is status quo. Tonight is not so good, however. She said that she doesn't feel as bad as the first time, but not as good as the second time. She is having nausea and bloating, nothing tastes right, and she is trying to stay hydrated. She took Tylenol PM and hopefully can get some sleep. She said that for a few nights after chemo she really can't sleep, which makes the next day seem a little worse.

Tomorrow she goes back in for the Neulasta, which makes her ache all over. But, her counts are staying good and her H/H was better today than usual.

She is hoping to feel good enough to go to camp again next week. Time will tell. She was so happy to have gone last week that I really pray that she will make it. It does her spirits good!!


Deb Fitzwater said...

I'm so glad you've got camp as a good outlet, Carli. I am specifically praying that the "yuckies" will go away so you can have some sense of normalcy in your life this summer. Keep looking up, kiddo. That is where our real strength comes from!


Anonymous said...

Carli Beth, I hope all goes well this week so you can be somewhere special next weekend !! :):) Stay positive and remember that I love you!!