Monday, July 2, 2007

We left this morning at 9am and returned home about 3pm. Those are about the longest 6 hours that I have ever experienced. We saw Dr. Stallings who was pleased at how things are going except for how bad she feels after treatments. He did not give her the Decadron, hoping that maybe that was making her feel lousy and could have caused some of the pain and anxiety that landed her in the ER the last time. This afternoon she looks and feels about the worse that I have seen her. She isn't actively vomiting, though, so I guess that is something to be thankful for. Nothing sounds good to her, and she is having trouble even finding something to drink that will not make her sick. She goes back in tomorrow morning for fluids and Neulasta shot, maybe there will be something else that they can do for her then.She still has hair, but it is very thin and patchy. She is just happy that she has had it for this long...every extra day is a bonus! Her spirits are amazingly good, she is a trouper. I wish that I could say the same for her mother! I guess that I am having sympathy nausea this afternoon, it makes me feel so bad to watch her be so miserable. But, this was her 5th we are making progress! Pray that the doctor can come up with something else tomorrow to help, and that she can sleep the evening and the night away....


Deb Fitzwater said...

EliHang in there, Carli! You've experienced the worst, but you also know that there is light at the end of the tunnel ... hang in there til tomorrow, girlie! Rest, rest, rest!

I am praying!


Deb said...

aw Carli, hope u can sleep, feel so bad that u r sick!!! we keep praying that God will continue to hold u in his arms!! Hope u can feel his love & healing today!!
Beth, hope u can feel God's love this week too, so hard to sit & watch your beautiful daughter b so miserable.... someday we will understand Gods' plan, sure don't now!!
love & hugs!!
greg,deb & paige