Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Yea! Good Day

A relatively good day, compared to last time! She is taking her oral meds, but refused the IV fluids and other meds that they usually give her on day 2. She was feeling fairly decent, and just the thought of having her port manipulated and flushed made her nauseous. So, she asked to just get her shot today and the doc said OK. She was so excited to not have to be poked so many times! She must've looked better because Debbie, one of the nurses, was so happy she had tears in her eyes! I think that they see Carli a little differently because she is so young, the youngest patient that they have.

Tonight she is feeling yucky, but not terribly nauseated. The Neulasta makes her very achey and bloated. So, that is the same this time. But, she isn't hanging over a bucket. Yea!

She is still very upbeat, and believing that with this treatment she is half-way through. These 3 months have gone by very quickly...but Carli says not quickly enough! She said that she will be glad when it is winter...and she hates winter! But, that will mean the end of treatments.

She is going to meet with a counselor at Wayne College (branch of Akron Univ) on Thursday to see what she can work out. She would like to take some electives so that she won't be so far behind and will only need to take an extra semester. Pray that this will work out...she needs some normalcy to her life. She only has 2 more times to go to camp, and then she will need something else to make her feel productive.


Deb Fitzwater said...

Way to go, Carli! You are such a trooper! Congrats for making it halfway through!! You are doing this ... and doing it well! :-)


Deb said...

So happy u r doing alittle better!! praise the Lord!!! u r such a witness to God, your faith shines around you, & u r a lite to all of us!!
Yea!! half done, u can do this!!!
Good luck at Wayne, hopefully u can take some classes!!
love & hugs!
greg, deb & paige

Lori said...

Glad everything went a little better this time. You're halfway done- there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Hope everything works out for you at Wayne. You can be a Wayne Warrior- Yea!!!
You are such an inspiration to us.
Love ya lots,
Lori, Danny, Brett, and Kaylie