Friday, August 24, 2007

Carli drove home today from Michigan, then went to Wayne College and registered for classes. She can't take everything that she would like, but is taking some classes that she thinks that she will enjoy that will be OK for her electives. (Which of course was possible because Ted and I ran around like crazy people at Grove City yesterday getting her transcript, turning in her computer, etc etc etc). Kelsie is settled in and has a real nice roommate. Hopefully she will make new friends and enjoy college life. Ted and I had dinner with Jane and Craig, which is always a treat.

Carli said tonight that this is the only time in her life that she gets to be the only child! She decided that it is fun for now, but by the end of the year she will probably be pretty tired of being home with the parents. We'll see....

She is driving out to Grove City tomorrow to see her classmates/friends before they are swamped with classes. She is taking out some odds and ends that Kelsie needs, so that wll be nice. She can make sure that Kelsie is on the right track!

Today a good friend from high school stopped by to see Carli. She loves to get visitors when she is feeling well.

It will really be quiet without Kelsie around. The dog is already forlorn.

1 comment:

tracy b said...

Good luck at Wayne. If you need any help there call me, because I practically lived there for the past three years. (I know most of the professors, so if you have any questions about them I maybe able to help)They finally told me it was time to go to a different college. I think I have taken almost every intro to course available. The professors at Wayne rock. They are very understanding. When Nada was born I actually had a final sent home for me to take so I could graduate. Be sure to check out the Learning center. The computer lab is very nice, and it is a nice place to study. They have coffee, hot chocolate, tea, and snacks there for the students. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Tracy Bolyard (miller)