Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Another miserable day. She was sick during the night and just felt absolutely horrible today. She is puffy all over and hurts if you even touch her. Makes it hard to give her hugs! Wednesday and Thursday post chemo are usually the worst, so hopefully better days are ahead.

We are planning a family outing this weekend to a State Park we used to go to when the girls were little. Kelsie came home tonight (fall break), so we will meet Todd and Tara there and enjoy a family weekend. Kelsie was wound up when she got home (not surprising if you know Kelsie) and it was hard for Carli to handle. She does better when things are nice and quiet.

It was nice to be at church tonight with my kids' choirs...they lift my spirits by just being themselves! At times I long for the days when the girls were little and it seems like life was easy...even though I know better! I just have to remember God's promise to never leave us...He holds the future...not just when things are going well, but when things seem too rough to handle.


Dave & Gilda said...

I'm sure it's hard to see God's plan when you feel so miserable, but I know you will continue to hang in there. You are already handling things so much better than I can imagine I would. I love seeing your smile. It's as beautiful as ever
Aunt Gilda

Deb said...


Praying for a better day Today! May u feel God's strength & love, he is always holding u in his arms!We know u can get thru this, try to b patient & trust that God is always with you!

love & hugs,
greg, deb & pagie