Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Chemo week #15

Fifteen...and counting down to #16. This has been another rough one. She says that it is the worst yet...feels very "flu-like"...nausea, achey, worse than ever. It is time to be done with all of this! It is nice to have Jeremy here so that I can leave to get groceries and do some Christmas shopping without worrying about her. Don't get me wrong, I still worry (it's my job as a mom) but at least I know that he can hop up and down for her and call me, if need be.

Dr. Stallings sounded more encouraging yesterday than before! Carli really needed to hear positive words. He said that he thinks that things are going well, and that she should plan on going back to school. Her PET scan will be the end of January. If they do it too soon after chemo, they can get a false negative. Sure wouldn't want that to happen. Then, if it looks good, she will just have to have checkups/scans to watch it. I didn't ask how often, seems as though things are case-to-case, so I didn't know if he would have an answer yet. He did say that if she would have to have a stem cell transplant, that she would be in the hospital for at least a month...please PRAY that this won't be necessary!

She found out that she can be in the room that she originally planned on being in for her senior year, and that she and Rachel can room together. Rachel has been a very good friend, and Carli was so happy to think about going back to GCC and rooming with her. So, some more good news :)

Please continue to pray that she will not have such negative effects from the chemo and Neulasta. It is so hard to see her look so miserable. She is getting discouraged, I pray that she feels Jesus walking with her....


Deb said...


Praying for strength, love & healing from God... He is the one that has carried u thru this, continue to lean on "Him" We pray that u will feel his love & guidence!! We will never understand all the storms we go thru on earth but God gives us grace to get thru each day!! Isn't that amazing!!

love & hugs,
greg, deb & paige

Joanne said...

Beth: I saw Janice Anderson at Buehlers and she told me about your blog site. So sorry that I didn't know about this sooner. All of you continue to be in my prayers. Joanne Burkey

Jillian said...

I am a friend of Jeremy's, and although I have only met you a few times Carli I could immediately tell you were a wonderful person. Joel and I have been thinking of you and praying for you. We will continue to do so! Glad to hear Jeremy is a big help. He was always and awesome guy!

Jillian and Joel Koeneman.

ps. We'll add you to our blogroll.