Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chemo #16

Finally the big day arrived. I thought that Carli would be relieved, instead she was more anxious than ever. She said that she couldn't be happy or celebrate until the end of the week when she felt human again. I just sat in the parking lot and cried. I don't think that she will ever truly know how this affects her parents. But, we took goodies to Dr. S's staff and everyone was cheering her on. Debbie gave her the chemo again, and was so supportive. She had tears in her eyes when we left...they have been really good to us. Hopefully we won't have to see them very many more times. The chemo was hard again, the red devil was from the devil, but I can only picture that it is working.

She talked Dr. S out of the Neulasta since it was her final treatment. At least she is not as achey as usual. But, her neck is still aching like before. Go figure. She will have her blood count and labwork done the beginning of January.

Her PET scan is scheduled for January 28. She will have to come home as they only do them one day/week at Wooster. It is a mobile unit...not sure where all it goes. I am praying for good weather so that there are no glitches...Dr. S said that we are not even going to think about stem cell transplant at this time...he also is hoping that the PET scan will be clear and Carli can move it is encouraging that he is staying positive.

Kelsie is home...she certainly adds a dramatic flair to our otherwise quiet existence! We are frantically working on Christmas...Carli has had her creativity halted by chemo week...I have been helped by wonderful people bringing goodies (thanks, Janice!). My sister Lori was very sick over the weekend, and I feel badly that I can't be around her more...but since Carli didn't get the Neulasta we all have to be very mindful of not bringing "germs" into her life. (sorry, Lori!)

The Lord has brought me some great Christian friends at work and they are continually asking about Carli and supporting me. That is what is keeping me going on many days. I feel like I've dropped the ball with my poor job-shadow buddy Lana, but she is so understanding and has been picking up the slack. I am so THANKFUL for my job at Wooster City Schools that allows me to have time off over the holidays...pretty rare for a nurse!!! God certainly placed me in the position at least for the present work schedule has allowed me to take Carli to chemo almost every session, and Jeremy has been here to help out...that was nice because he was more attentive than I am! God has been good in so many ways...

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