Friday, December 28, 2007

2007 is flying by, and we are grateful for that! We sure are hoping that 2008 goes by a little more smoothly. But when we know that we are refined by fire, we realize that we have a lot to learn from our trials. I just pray that I am in tune enough to realize what it is I was supposed to learn. Maybe we will never know, and when we sit at Jesus' feet it won't really matter!

Jeremy returned here on Wednesday. He took some great black and white photos of our house and the farm and put them in a unique frame-very thoughtful. Yesterday he took Carli to see "White Christmas" at the Carousel Dinner Theater...they had a nice time. Then last evening was the huge Kohler Christmas. It was nice that she could actually enjoy the food and family this time.

Tonight she and Jeremy took Tara home to Columbus. They will return tomorrow morning as Jeremy's parents are coming to see Malone College and for his baptism at our church on Sunday morning. What a weekend! We are so thankful for our pastor, Darrell, who has been meeting with Jeremy. I really can't imagine how people get through traumatic circumstances without the kind of support and love that we have received from Darrell and DeeDee, his wife. It is so nice to see him have the privilege of the baptism...such a time for rejoicing after the storm that we have been through.
We can't thank him enough for his encouragement and understanding.

Enough of my blubbering...I hope that everyone is having time to enjoy family and friends!!!


Debbie Becker said...

We were also at White Christmas yesterday afternoon..can't believe we didn't see you! :) Anyway, we are so thankful that you were able to go and have a good time and enjoy your Christmas celebrations. God has blessed you with a special perspective this year that will make every other "normal" Christmas even more special! We will be praying for great news in January and an uneventful 2008!

Deb said...


It was great to see Jeremy's baptism, what a wonderful testimony he had!!
Also Good Luck as u head back to Grove next weekend, what a blessing that u can go!! Take care of yourself, don't over-due!!(from a mom)

We pray that this year will b a healthy & safe one for you!!
Happy New Year!
love & hugs,
greg , deb, & paige