Monday, January 21, 2008

As of this morning, we are now empty nesters. How does that happen? One day you have 3 little girls running around, and the next they are all off doing their own thing. I must admit that it is a little harder than I expected. Throwing lymphoma and an ailing father in the mix sure doesn't help.

Carli says that she is doing "fine" and that she will be "fine". I am so glad that she has a good attitude and is excited to be back at school. It is nice knowing that Kelsie will be there, too, to let me know if there is anything that Carli isn't telling me! Not that Kelsie will be a snitch...but hopefully she will be if she needs to. Kelsie just emailed me and said that she is "going to die this semester". Her schedule is crazy hard...I hope that she decides what to do with her major BEFORE it kills her!!

My dad is slowly feeling better. He has a stress test this afternoon and then they will decide about the pacemaker. Sounds like they are pretty sure that they are going to insert one...then he will go to a nursing home for a while. He really doesn't want to, but we don't see any other way. Please pray for his healing and peace of mind. He is such a great guy, never complains...we are so blessed.

I just keep thanking God that this didn't happen during Carli's chemotherapy. One major thing at a time is enough right at the moment. I have to keep in mind that God knows the future...I don't have to...

1 comment:

Deb said...


can't imagine all the stress u feel everyday!! We know u continue to lean on God & that "He" holds u up each day & always will b faithful!! We pray for healing, strength & comfort for your family!
love & hugs,
greg, deb & paige