Monday, January 28, 2008

Carli and Jeremy had a great weekend at camp. Jeremy's parents live near-by, so they had a nice visit with them. Today went rather smoothly, she only got nauseated for a brief time during the injection. She was happy that they couldn't use her port for the injection...she would rather have an IV started as she gets sick when they flush her port. She is looking forward to the day when she can have her port removed and the scar revised. It is rather ugly to her and is visible when she wears tank tops. This won't be quite as much of an issue until spring/summer. The changes that she has endured with such grace don't seem like much, but when you think of hair loss and scars in your neck and chest at age 22, it is a lot to handle. We are just praying that there are no other lasting side effects...

Today I said that I wish that we could get the results sooner than next week, and she said that she is just as happy waiting...I think that she just wants to be as normal as she can be for as long as she can be. She also said that if she has to drop out of school again for a stem cell transplant, so be it. She is just happy that it won't mean any more chemotherapy. I can't imagine how awful chemo must have been for her to say that. I don't think that anyone that hasn't gone through this can even have a glimpse as to how it feels and what it does to you physically, emotionally and spiritually.

She got an "A" for her intercession course, and that was very encouraging for her. She said that she didn't realize how sick she was last year, because now she gets up for class, has energy and can focus during her classes. If we had only known earlier how sick she was. But I am so happy that she is feeling so much better now--please keep praying for good results next Tuesday!!

"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27


Dave & Gilda said...

You have been totally amazing through all of this. I can't imagine how I would have handled this. You are one special girl. I pray that God will help you through the next week, and that the results are good.
Aunt Gilda

Deb said...

Carli & family,

we continue to pray for u!! That God lifts u up & holds u all close!
No we can't imagine what all u have been thru, I believe no one knows unless they walk in those shoes...we do know that your faith has been your rock! Your faith has shone all around u like a warm summer day... we pray for good results & peaceful minds!!

love & hugs,
greg, deb & paige