Monday, November 5, 2007

chemo week #13

Got the test results today. Dr. S said that the nodes in the spleen are gone, and the chest ones improved since the CT in August, but they are not gone yet. He still recommends 2 more rounds of chemo, which would put her last chemo date on December 17. She will have chemo the week of Thanksgiving, which she isn't too happy about, but she will be off for her birthday! Thank God for small favors. Anyway, she asked Dr. S what next, and what if the CT still isn't clear. He said that after Christmas, probably the end of January, he will order a PET scan, which will show if there is any cancer activity still there. If there isn't, we're good and she will have periodic check-ups and CT scans. If it is still showing, then they would consider stem cell transplant using her own stem cells. (If I understood everything right). Please pray that she will be done in December! She is really hoping to do intercession at GCC in January, and already has her schedule figured out and is working with GCC to get everything in line.

Her chemo went fairly well today (no emesis)-she had to fight it during the "red devil", but she won! If that isn't a metaphor for life, I don't know what is!! Hopefully she will continue to be OK as I have parent-teacher conferences tonight, and Jeremy has to work. Hopefully Ted will be able to stay home with her. Time for some father-daughter bonding :)

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