Thursday, November 8, 2007

I'm not superstitious, but week #13 is not treating Carli well! She still is very sick tonight with a headache, body aches and a bloated tummy. She managed 2 scrapbook pages today, but was too sick to go to class tonight. Thankfully her professor understands (and recently missed class herself d/t illness) and is coming in early next week to help Carli catch up. So many people have been so wonderful. I wonder if some day (if not now) Carli will realize how many people supported in her in so many ways. When I start having a pity party with myself, I have to stop and be thankful for all of the wonderful things that have happened.

There is an amazing young man (15) at school with Muscular Dystrophy. He has no muscle control over any part of his body, is totally reliant on others for every aspect of his life, has recently been told that he cannot take anything by mouth, but yet he keeps his sense of humor and keeps coming to school just to socialize and see his friends. What a witness he has been to me these past few weeks. When I think that God is being cruel, I think of this student and how he never complains about the situation that he is in. Please pray for him and his family for strength and courage to face what's ahead. The other day I was rubbing an ice cube over his lips and tongue, and I thought of what Christ had to endure for us. The song by Mark Schultz "I Have Been There" played over in my head. Jesus really does understand what we are going through...He has been there!

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