Monday, November 26, 2007

We had a great weekend. Saturday was the Kohler Thanksgiving. We had about 35 people here and it is great food and lots of talking and laughing. I am thankful for a finished basement for the kids to play in, and for my niece's husband who stays with them and keeps them occupied! They are so good at cleaning up the basement that you'd never know there were a bunch of kids down there!

Carli ate as much as she could, but the commotion really gets to her so she spent much of the evening in her room. She still wasn't feeling well and she feels bad if she doesn't eat, and then after she does, after a while she feels yucky again. She really can't win!

Sunday she taught her last day of Sunday School (the quarter ended) and then felt tired and nauseated so she went home. I miss her now when she can't go to church. It was so nice to have Kelsie, Tara and Todd there. Feels good when the girls are home. The past week went so fast-Carli said that it went very slow for her...I can only imagine that the hours drag on when you don't feel well.

Pray for her to start sleeping better. She said that she just can't stay asleep and then she is tired in the morning. I can relate to that. Part of the battle is just trying to do what she can to feel better, and sleep sure would help.

Last night we went to see "Enchanted". If you want to see a corny but hilariously funny movie, go see it! Carli went with us and it was good to have her laugh! There weren't many people in the theater, and we felt like we were the only ones laughing out loud. Oh well...we had a good time!

1 comment:

Deb said...


Praying for a much better week!!I know this was a Thanksgiving that u will never forget.... the one when u survived the great storm in your life...God has always been in control & is there everyday to steady the boat!! Continue to lean on him thru this life-changing storm!
Take care ...praying for sleep also!

love & hugs,
greg, deb & paige