Monday, May 28, 2007

Emotional day. Didn't feel up to going to church. When we got home, she was noticing that her hair was coming out more than usual. After thinking about it, we called Angie Steiner (who does my hair) and she graciously had us come right over. She measured Carli's hair to have enough for "Locks of Love" and then cut it in a cute layered style. Tara and I loved it, it was very hard for Carli to like it. Now she can send her very thick pony tail and know that it will help someone. But, we did shed a few tears and I'm sure that she will shed more as her hair continues to thin. I would like a miracle and not have it all fall out...

After resting, she went to Jackie's graduation party (neighbor and daughter of my good friend Diann). She got tired easily, didn't stay long, but at least she was out and about!

Abdomen still very "sore" tonight.


Deb Fitzwater said...

Carli! Your hair is GORGEOUS in this style! I love it!! I'm praying that God will allow you to keep the rest! I've been reading that verse from Isa. 55 (It's 2 a.m. and I don't have my Bible close by) that His ways are higher than our ways ... if He makes your hair go bye bye, He's got some thicker, fuller, even more beautiful hair on the horizon for you, girlie! And think of that beautiful hair of yours that somebody's gonna get! They will be THRILLED!

AlyssaBrianne48 said...

aww! the new hair style does look adorable. i'm so glad the hair cut off will help others. such a wonderful thing to do! i'm continuing to pray and i miss seeing you carli! i wanna come see you soon when you feel alright for a bit, or i'll just distract you. lots of love from alyssa

angeladawn said...

Oh Carli Beth, you are TOO cute:) ADORABLE new style! Long hair or are beautiful:) Thinking of you sweetie...