Saturday, May 12, 2007

Today was slightly better. She is still achey and nauseated, but with medication she can keep a little food down. Nothing sounds good to her as her mouth tastes funny and she has thrush. Had to call Dr. Stallings this morning for a prescription for her mouth...that certainly doesn't help her appetite any. Right now she is eating a hurts but it tastes good. I would have never thought of offering lemons...go figure!

She is hoping maybe tomorrow is the charm. That would be the best Mother's Day gift in the world!

Tonight after she gets off of work, we are taking Kelsie out for her 18th birthday. Todd and Tara are here, so will be fun, but we will miss not having Carli along.

We want to wish everyone at GCC good luck on finals!!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Finally able to get to the blog site! Been trying since Deb Fitz first sent it to me. . . Tonite it went right through. (Talk about being technologically savvy! hehe)
Glad to hear things are moving in a positive direction. Dr. Stallings is excellent in my book. Will be keeping all of you and the doctors and nurses in my prayers.
Yes, Beth, the hardest thing in the world for a Mom is having to watch her children suffer and not be able to "fix it". Remember: "If God brings you to it, He will see you through it." And one of my favorite Scriptures in time of trouble is found in Romans 8:26: "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."
Linda (Matz) Kirk