Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The journey has begun...she was at the oncologist's about 5 hours today. She was anemic, so they delayed treatment until they were sure what the doc wanted to do. He kept things the same...4 chemo drugs, 3 push and 1 IV. The first push drug made her really sick, so they stopped it and gave the others first. THen they gave the first one and she tolerated it pretty well. They gave her IV meds for nausea.

It was so hard to watch them giving her toxic medications, and her port is still really sore so it wasn't comfortable. Now tonight she feels terrible and is nauseated. Please pray that this is short-lived.

She goes back tomorrow for an injection that stimulates the bone marrow and we get some different nausea pills. (The injections cost $3000 each...thank God for our insurance which will pay most of it!!!!). She gets the injection after every treatment.

We are continually blessed by our friends, family and neighbors.


Anonymous said...

I love you Carli!! Keep your head up girl! I know its just only begun but hang in there. I love you!! Take Champ with you. He'll make your feel better and keep you company! Love you!

Dave & Gilda said...

Hang in There Carli
I know this must be really rough. hopefully the nausea meds will kick in.
I thought of you all day today and always look forward to reading the blog to find out what is going on.
Keep on trusting in God. He will see you through this.
Dave & Gilda

Deb Fitzwater said...

Carli Beth!

I had you on my mind and a prayer on my lips all day long. Did you feel Jesus holding your hand?That's what I asked Him to do, ya know!

You are one tough cookie and are going to get through this. It's okay to tell God how you feel. He's got big shoulders and He can take it.

Thanks, Beth, for keeping us all posted. This blog is great!
